国家的使命 人民的选择 ——呼吁全球华人界关注和支持小费迪南德·马科斯_世界华人报 
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国家的使命 人民的选择 ——呼吁全球华人界关注和支持小费迪南德·马科斯

来源:世界华人报  供稿 更新时间:2022-02-07 20:15:55 点击数:
国家的使命 人民的选择





       小费迪南德·马科斯(Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr),又称小马科斯,昵称“邦邦”,菲律宾著名政治家。1957年出生,是菲律宾前总统费迪南德·马科斯的儿子。






















National Mission,People's Choice
-- calling on the global Chinese community to pay attention and support
Ferdinand Marcos Jr   

The campaign for the 2022 Presidential election will kick off on February 8, tomorrow, and who will succeed Rodrigo Duterte as the next president of the Philippines will be the focus of much attention over the next months. Opinion polls show Ferdinand Marcos Junior leading the field of presidential candidates. Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., also known as Little Marcos, nicknamed "Bongbong", is a famous Philippine politician. Born in 1957, son of former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. After Marcos was overthrown in 1986, the Marcos family, including the younger Marcos, fled into exile in Hawaii, where Marcos died three years later. Marcos Junior entered politics in 1991 after returning from exile to the Philippines. Marcos Junior served as governor of Irogo Norte province and was elected to the Senate in 2010. Marcos Jr., who ran for vice president in the 2016 presidential election but narrowly lost to Leni Robredo, was met with disbelief and outrage by millions of Filipinos. On the afternoon of October 5, 2021, Marcos Jr. announced his candidacy for the 2022 Philippine presidential election in a video address posted on social media. In his speech, Marcos Jr. said that the Filipino people should stand united in the face of COVID-19. If elected, he will rally all parties to lead the Philippine people to defeat the epidemic and get their lives back on track. Sarah Duterte Carpio, a vice presidential candidate in the Philippines 2022 election, said in a video posted on social media on November 16, 2021 that she has decided to form a running mate with presidential candidate Marcos Junior to run for the vice presidency and presidency in the 2022 election. Marcos Jr. elaborated his ideas on a series of major domestic and foreign issues, including the future economic development direction of the Philippines, Philippine-China relations and Philippine-US relations. Some of them are powerful, in stark contrast to other presidential candidates: -- It's been terrible to see the bad news pouring in since the coronavirus outbreak. People are suffering, they are not just complaining, they are really suffering. No job, no money, no medical care... We need to find ways to solve these problems step by step. We can't go on like this. -- Boosting education and agricultural development, lowering electricity prices, improving health care, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, cutting taxes... -- As the global economy is gradually restarting, the Philippines must seize the digital economy wave and vigorously promote digital infrastructure construction, learning from the mature experience of China, the United States and Europe. Let the country in a new round of global competition in the future to occupy a favorable position. -- Current Vice President Robredo's argument that "oil and gas cooperation between the Philippines and China must be premised on China's recognition of the results of the 2016 South China Sea arbitration" is not feasible. China has refused to recognize the arbitration from the very beginning, so Robredo's statement is effectively "we will not talk to China". I think arbitration is futile. The actual effect of the arbitration is to widen the differences between the Philippines and China and harden the positions of both sides. -- People-to-people connectivity is an important part of developing Philippine-China friendly relations. I hope that The Chinese business community, Chinese businessmen in the Philippines and Confucius Institutes will play an active role in building a bridge of friendship. -- The US military bases are the product of the Cold War. Today's world is very different. Contact and cooperation are the main themes, and the US does not want to get involved in a large-scale war on behalf of the Philippines. Members of the Marcos family have a long history and deep friendship with the Chinese people around the world. They have always been old friends of the Chinese people. They have visited China many times and made historic contributions to the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the Philippines. Marcos Junior is undoubtedly the most desirable and friendliest presidential candidate for the Chinese thinking. It is foreseeable that Ferdinand Marcos Jr., who has been expected by the Philippine people for a long time and is widely expected to win the 17th presidential election of the Philippines in May 2022, is the national mission of the Philippines, the choice of the Philippine people and the luck of China-Philippines relations. May all Chinese in the world, who love friendship and peace, take concrete actions to support and cheer for the coming of this great future President.

Zhu Donghai
Feb.7, 2022




